My London Trip
Did you miss me when I was away in London? Well, I missed you!
Anyway, here are a few photos. First, here I am riding the "London Eye." No, not the beefy guy with tattoos on his arm! The other beefy guy, sitting down and staring directly into the camera. Those other dodos in the gondola with me didn't have a clue where the camera was located!I had a nice visit with the folks at eyeforpharma, including Jessica Evans and Paul Simms shown in the photo below. This was taken on eyeforpharma's "roof garden." In the background is the "Gerken" building, famous for its pickles!
Speaking of food, right around the corner from eyeforpharma's headquarters was the S&M Cafe, which is famous for their "Sausage and Mash" shown below. I should have ordered the 3-sausage platter! You will notice that I know what I am doing -- you have to stir the "mushy peas" into the "mash" or else you risk being identified as a tourist! Of course, whipping out my camera and taking a flash photo of my lunch didn't help,
I watched the football game between Italy and Spain with these Italians at the "Hog in the Pond" pub. Too bad the game was so boring that I didn't stay around to the end to see the faces of these guys after Italy lost!
I stayed at the Cumberland Hotel shown below just behind the Marble Arch off of Oxford Street.
The lobby was decorated in a nouvelle riche style, by which I mean it was festooned with weird sculptures, neon floor lighting, and projected video images of businessmen and women flipping through the air in slow mo.
Too bad this 4-star hotel only came with one tiny round bar of soap, no washcloth, and no movie channel! At $400 per night, however, it was a bargain considering its location.
All in all, I had a great time!